Source code for pythermalcomfort.utilities

import math
import warnings
from typing import NamedTuple

import numpy as np

from pythermalcomfort.psychrometrics import p_sat, t_o
from pythermalcomfort.shared_functions import valid_range


def transpose_sharp_altitude(sharp, altitude):
    altitude_new = math.degrees(
            math.sin(math.radians(abs(sharp - 90))) * math.cos(math.radians(altitude))
    sharp = math.degrees(
        math.atan(math.sin(math.radians(sharp)) * math.tan(math.radians(90 - altitude)))
    sol_altitude = altitude_new
    return round(sharp, 3), round(sol_altitude, 3)

def check_standard_compliance(standard, **kwargs):
    params = dict()
    params["standard"] = standard
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        params[key] = value

    if params["standard"] == "ankle_draft":
        for key, value in params.items():
            if key == "met" and value > 1.3:
                    "The ankle draft model is only valid for met <= 1.3",
            if key == "clo" and value > 0.7:
                    "The ankle draft model is only valid for clo <= 0.7",

    elif params["standard"] == "ashrae":  # based on table 7.3.4 ashrae 55 2020
        for key, value in params.items():
            if key in ["tdb", "tr"]:
                if key == "tdb":
                    parameter = "dry-bulb"
                    parameter = "mean radiant"
                if value > 40 or value < 10:
                        f"ASHRAE {parameter} temperature applicability limits between"
                        " 10 and 40 °C",
            if key in ["v", "vr"] and (value > 2 or value < 0):
                    "ASHRAE air speed applicability limits between 0 and 2 m/s",
            if key == "met" and (value > 4 or value < 1):
                    "ASHRAE met applicability limits between 1.0 and 4.0 met",
            if key == "clo" and (value > 1.5 or value < 0):
                    "ASHRAE clo applicability limits between 0.0 and 1.5 clo",
            if key == "v_limited" and value > 0.2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "This equation is only applicable for air speed lower than 0.2 m/s"

    elif params["standard"] == "iso":  # based on ISO 7730:2005 page 3
        for key, value in params.items():
            if key == "tdb" and (value > 30 or value < 10):
                    "ISO air temperature applicability limits between 10 and 30 °C",
            if key == "tr" and (value > 40 or value < 10):
                    "ISO mean radiant temperature applicability limits between 10 and"
                    " 40 °C",
            if key in ["v", "vr"] and (value > 1 or value < 0):
                    "ISO air speed applicability limits between 0 and 1 m/s",
            if key == "met" and (value > 4 or value < 0.8):
                    "ISO met applicability limits between 0.8 and 4.0 met",
            if key == "clo" and (value > 2 or value < 0):
                    "ISO clo applicability limits between 0.0 and 2 clo",

def check_standard_compliance_array(standard, **kwargs):
    default_kwargs = {"airspeed_control": True}
    params = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}

    if standard == "ashrae":  # based on table 7.3.4 ashrae 55 2020
        tdb_valid = valid_range(params["tdb"], (10.0, 40.0))
        tr_valid = valid_range(params["tr"], (10.0, 40.0))
        v_valid = valid_range(params["v"], (0.0, 2.0))

        if not params["airspeed_control"]:
            v_valid = np.where(
                (params["v"] > 0.8) & (params["clo"] < 0.7) & (params["met"] < 1.3),
            to = t_o(params["tdb"], params["tr"], params["v"])
            v_limit = 50.49 - 4.4047 * to + 0.096425 * to * to
            v_valid = np.where(
                (23 < to)
                & (to < 25.5)
                & (params["v"] > v_limit)
                & (params["clo"] < 0.7)
                & (params["met"] < 1.3),
            v_valid = np.where(
                (to <= 23)
                & (params["v"] > 0.2)
                & (params["clo"] < 0.7)
                & (params["met"] < 1.3),

        if "met" in params.keys():
            met_valid = valid_range(params["met"], (1.0, 4.0))
            clo_valid = valid_range(params["clo"], (0.0, 1.5))

            return tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid, met_valid, clo_valid

            return tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid

    if standard == "7933":  # based on ISO 7933:2004 Annex A
        tdb_valid = valid_range(params["tdb"], (15.0, 50.0))
        p_a_valid = valid_range(params["p_a"], (0, 4.5))
        tr_valid = valid_range(params["tr"], (0.0, 60.0))
        v_valid = valid_range(params["v"], (0.0, 3))
        met_valid = valid_range(params["met"], (100, 450))
        clo_valid = valid_range(params["clo"], (0.1, 1))

        return tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid, p_a_valid, met_valid, clo_valid

    if standard == "fan_heatwaves":
        tdb_valid = valid_range(params["tdb"], (20.0, 50.0))
        tr_valid = valid_range(params["tr"], (20.0, 50.0))
        v_valid = valid_range(params["v"], (0.1, 4.5))
        rh_valid = valid_range(params["rh"], (0, 100))
        met_valid = valid_range(params["met"], (0.7, 2))
        clo_valid = valid_range(params["clo"], (0.0, 1))

        return tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid, rh_valid, met_valid, clo_valid

    if standard == "iso":  # based on ISO 7730:2005 page 3
        tdb_valid = valid_range(params["tdb"], (10.0, 30.0))
        tr_valid = valid_range(params["tr"], (10.0, 40.0))
        v_valid = valid_range(params["v"], (0.0, 1.0))
        met_valid = valid_range(params["met"], (0.8, 4.0))
        clo_valid = valid_range(params["clo"], (0.0, 2))

        return tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid, met_valid, clo_valid

[docs]def body_surface_area(weight, height, formula="dubois"): """Returns the body surface area in square meters. Parameters ---------- weight : float body weight, [kg] height : float height, [m] formula : str, optional, formula used to calculate the body surface area. default="dubois" Choose a name from "dubois", "takahira", "fujimoto", or "kurazumi". Returns ------- body_surface_area : float body surface area, [m2] """ if formula == "dubois": return 0.202 * (weight**0.425) * (height**0.725) elif formula == "takahira": return 0.2042 * (weight**0.425) * (height**0.725) elif formula == "fujimoto": return 0.1882 * (weight**0.444) * (height**0.663) elif formula == "kurazumi": return 0.2440 * (weight**0.383) * (height**0.693) else: raise ValueError( f"This {formula} to calculate the body_surface_area does not exists." )
[docs]def f_svv(w, h, d): """Calculates the sky-vault view fraction. Parameters ---------- w : float width of the window, [m] h : float height of the window, [m] d : float distance between the occupant and the window, [m] Returns ------- f_svv : float sky-vault view fraction ranges between 0 and 1 """ return ( math.degrees(math.atan(h / (2 * d))) * math.degrees(math.atan(w / (2 * d))) / 16200 )
[docs]def v_relative(v, met): """Estimates the relative air speed which combines the average air speed of the space plus the relative air speed caused by the body movement. Vag is assumed to be 0 for metabolic rates equal and lower than 1 met and otherwise equal to Vag = 0.3 (M – 1) (m/s) Parameters ---------- v : float, int, or array-like air speed measured by the sensor, [m/s] met : float metabolic rate, [met] Returns ------- vr : float, int, or array-like relative air speed, [m/s] """ return np.where(met > 1, np.around(v + 0.3 * (met - 1), 3), v)
[docs]def clo_dynamic(clo, met, standard="ASHRAE"): """Estimates the dynamic clothing insulation of a moving occupant. The activity as well as the air speed modify the insulation characteristics of the clothing and the adjacent air layer. Consequently, the ISO 7730 states that the clothing insulation shall be corrected [2]_. The ASHRAE 55 Standard corrects for the effect of the body movement for met equal or higher than 1.2 met using the equation clo = Icl × (0.6 + 0.4/met) Parameters ---------- clo : float, int, or array-like clothing insulation, [clo] met : float, int, or array-like metabolic rate, [met] standard: str (default="ASHRAE") - If "ASHRAE", uses Equation provided in Section of ASHRAE 55 2020 Returns ------- clo : float, int, or array-like dynamic clothing insulation, [clo] """ standard = standard.lower() if standard not in ["ashrae", "iso"]: raise ValueError( "only the ISO 7730 and ASHRAE 55 2020 models have been implemented" ) if standard == "ashrae": return np.where(met > 1.2, np.around(clo * (0.6 + 0.4 / met), 3), clo) else: return np.where(met > 1, np.around(clo * (0.6 + 0.4 / met), 3), clo)
[docs]def running_mean_outdoor_temperature(temp_array, alpha=0.8, units="SI"): """Estimates the running mean temperature also known as prevailing mean outdoor temperature. Parameters ---------- temp_array: list array containing the mean daily temperature in descending order (i.e. from newest/yesterday to oldest) :math:`[t_{day-1}, t_{day-2}, ... , t_{day-n}]`. Where :math:`t_{day-1}` is yesterday's daily mean temperature. The EN 16798-1 2019 [3]_ states that n should be equal to 7 alpha : float constant between 0 and 1. The EN 16798-1 2019 [3]_ recommends a value of 0.8, while the ASHRAE 55 2020 recommends to choose values between 0.9 and 0.6, corresponding to a slow- and fast- response running mean, respectively. Adaptive comfort theory suggests that a slow-response running mean (alpha = 0.9) could be more appropriate for climates in which synoptic-scale (day-to- day) temperature dynamics are relatively minor, such as the humid tropics. units: str default="SI" select the SI (International System of Units) or the IP (Imperial Units) system. Returns ------- t_rm : float running mean outdoor temperature """ if units.lower() == "ip": for ix, x in enumerate(temp_array): temp_array[ix] = units_converter(tdb=temp_array[ix])[0] coeff = [alpha**ix for ix, x in enumerate(temp_array)] t_rm = sum([a * b for a, b in zip(coeff, temp_array)]) / sum(coeff) if units.lower() == "ip": t_rm = units_converter(tmp=t_rm, from_units="si")[0] return round(t_rm, 1)
[docs]def units_converter(from_units="ip", **kwargs): """Converts IP values to SI units. Parameters ---------- from_units: str specify system to convert from **kwargs : [t, v] Returns ------- converted values in SI units """ results = list() if from_units == "ip": for key, value in kwargs.items(): if "tmp" in key or key == "tr" or key == "tdb": results.append((value - 32) * 5 / 9) if key in ["v", "vr", "vel"]: results.append(value / 3.281) if key == "area": results.append(value / 10.764) if key == "pressure": results.append(value * 101325) elif from_units == "si": for key, value in kwargs.items(): if "tmp" in key or key == "tr" or key == "tdb": results.append((value * 9 / 5) + 32) if key in ["v", "vr", "vel"]: results.append(value * 3.281) if key == "area": results.append(value * 10.764) if key == "pressure": results.append(value / 101325) return results
def mapping(value, map_dictionary, right=True): """Maps a temperature array to stress categories. Parameters ---------- value : float, array-like Temperature to map. map_dictionary: dict Dictionary used to map the values right: bool, optional Indicating whether the intervals include the right or the left bin edge. Returns ------- Stress category for each input temperature. """ bins = np.array(list(map_dictionary.keys())) words = np.append(np.array(list(map_dictionary.values())), "unknown") return words[np.digitize(value, bins, right=right)] #: Met values of typical tasks. met_typical_tasks = { "Sleeping": 0.7, "Reclining": 0.8, "Seated, quiet": 1.0, "Reading, seated": 1.0, "Writing": 1.0, "Typing": 1.1, "Standing, relaxed": 1.2, "Filing, seated": 1.2, "Flying aircraft, routine": 1.2, "Filing, standing": 1.4, "Driving a car": 1.5, "Walking about": 1.7, "Cooking": 1.8, "Table sawing": 1.8, "Walking 2mph (3.2kmh)": 2.0, "Lifting/packing": 2.1, "Seated, heavy limb movement": 2.2, "Light machine work": 2.2, "Flying aircraft, combat": 2.4, "Walking 3mph (4.8kmh)": 2.6, "House cleaning": 2.7, "Driving, heavy vehicle": 3.2, "Dancing": 3.4, "Calisthenics": 3.5, "Walking 4mph (6.4kmh)": 3.8, "Tennis": 3.8, "Heavy machine work": 4.0, "Handling 100lb (45 kg) bags": 4.0, "Pick and shovel work": 4.4, "Basketball": 6.3, "Wrestling": 7.8, } #: Total clothing insulation of typical ensembles. clo_typical_ensembles = { "Walking shorts, short-sleeve shirt": 0.36, "Typical summer indoor clothing": 0.5, "Knee-length skirt, short-sleeve shirt, sandals, underwear": 0.54, "Trousers, short-sleeve shirt, socks, shoes, underwear": 0.57, "Trousers, long-sleeve shirt": 0.61, "Knee-length skirt, long-sleeve shirt, full slip": 0.67, "Sweat pants, long-sleeve sweatshirt": 0.74, "Jacket, Trousers, long-sleeve shirt": 0.96, "Typical winter indoor clothing": 1.0, } #: Clo values of individual clothing elements. To calculate the total clothing insulation you need to add these values together. clo_individual_garments = { "Metal chair": 0.00, "Bra": 0.01, "Wooden stool": 0.01, "Ankle socks": 0.02, "Shoes or sandals": 0.02, "Slippers": 0.03, "Panty hose": 0.02, "Calf length socks": 0.03, "Women's underwear": 0.03, "Men's underwear": 0.04, "Knee socks (thick)": 0.06, "Short shorts": 0.06, "Walking shorts": 0.08, "T-shirt": 0.08, "Standard office chair": 0.10, "Executive chair": 0.15, "Boots": 0.1, "Sleeveless scoop-neck blouse": 0.12, "Half slip": 0.14, "Long underwear bottoms": 0.15, "Full slip": 0.16, "Short-sleeve knit shirt": 0.17, "Sleeveless vest (thin)": 0.1, "Sleeveless vest (thick)": 0.17, "Sleeveless short gown (thin)": 0.18, "Short-sleeve dress shirt": 0.19, "Sleeveless long gown (thin)": 0.2, "Long underwear top": 0.2, "Thick skirt": 0.23, "Long-sleeve dress shirt": 0.25, "Long-sleeve flannel shirt": 0.34, "Long-sleeve sweat shirt": 0.34, "Short-sleeve hospital gown": 0.31, "Short-sleeve short robe (thin)": 0.34, "Short-sleeve pajamas": 0.42, "Long-sleeve long gown": 0.46, "Long-sleeve short wrap robe (thick)": 0.48, "Long-sleeve pajamas (thick)": 0.57, "Long-sleeve long wrap robe (thick)": 0.69, "Thin trousers": 0.15, "Thick trousers": 0.24, "Sweatpants": 0.28, "Overalls": 0.30, "Coveralls": 0.49, "Thin skirt": 0.14, "Long-sleeve shirt dress (thin)": 0.33, "Long-sleeve shirt dress (thick)": 0.47, "Short-sleeve shirt dress": 0.29, "Sleeveless, scoop-neck shirt (thin)": 0.23, "Sleeveless, scoop-neck shirt (thick)": 0.27, "Long sleeve shirt (thin)": 0.25, "Long sleeve shirt (thick)": 0.36, "Single-breasted coat (thin)": 0.36, "Single-breasted coat (thick)": 0.44, "Double-breasted coat (thin)": 0.42, "Double-breasted coat (thick)": 0.48, } #: This dictionary contains the reflection coefficients, Fr, for different special materials f_r_garments = { "Cotton with aluminium paint": 0.42, "Viscose with glossy aluminium foil": 0.19, "Aramid (Kevlar) with glossy aluminium foil": 0.14, "Wool with glossy aluminium foil": 0.12, "Cotton with glossy aluminium foil": 0.04, "Viscose vacuum metallized with aluminium": 0.06, "Aramid vacuum metallized with aluminium": 0.04, "Wool vacuum metallized with aluminium": 0.05, "Cotton vacuum metallized with aluminium": 0.05, "Glass fiber vacuum metallized with aluminium": 0.07, } class DefaultSkinTemperature(NamedTuple): """Default skin temperature in degree Celsius for 17 local body parts The data comes from Hui Zhang's experiments""" head: float = 35.3 neck: float = 35.6 chest: float = 35.1 back: float = 35.3 pelvis: float = 35.3 left_shoulder: float = 34.2 left_arm: float = 34.6 left_hand: float = 34.4 right_shoulder: float = 34.2 right_arm: float = 34.6 right_hand: float = 34.4 left_thigh: float = 34.3 left_leg: float = 32.8 left_foot: float = 33.3 right_thigh: float = 34.3 right_leg: float = 32.8 right_foot: float = 33.3