Source code for pythermalcomfort.models.pmv_ppd

from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np
from numba import vectorize, float64

from pythermalcomfort.models import cooling_effect
from pythermalcomfort.shared_functions import valid_range
from pythermalcomfort.utilities import (

[docs]def pmv_ppd( tdb: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], tr: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], vr: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], rh: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], met: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], clo: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], wme: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]] = 0, standard: str = "ISO", units: str = "SI", limit_inputs: bool = True, airspeed_control: bool = True, ): """Returns Predicted Mean Vote (`PMV`_) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied ( `PPD`_) calculated in accordance to main thermal comfort Standards. The PMV is an index that predicts the mean value of the thermal sensation votes (self-reported perceptions) of a large group of people on a sensation scale expressed from –3 to +3 corresponding to the categories: cold, cool, slightly cool, neutral, slightly warm, warm, and hot. [1]_ While the PMV equation is the same for both the ISO and ASHRAE standards, in the ASHRAE 55 PMV equation, the SET is used to calculate the cooling effect first, this is then subtracted from both the air and mean radiant temperatures, and the differences are used as input to the PMV model, while the airspeed is set to 0.1m/s. Please read more in the Note below. Parameters ---------- tdb : float, int, or array-like dry bulb air temperature, default in [°C] in [°F] if `units` = 'IP' tr : float, int, or array-like mean radiant temperature, default in [°C] in [°F] if `units` = 'IP' vr : float, int, or array-like relative air speed, default in [m/s] in [fps] if `units` = 'IP' Note: vr is the relative air speed caused by body movement and not the air speed measured by the air speed sensor. The relative air speed is the sum of the average air speed measured by the sensor plus the activity-generated air speed (Vag). Where Vag is the activity-generated air speed caused by motion of individual body parts. vr can be calculated using the function :py:meth:`pythermalcomfort.utilities.v_relative`. rh : float, int, or array-like relative humidity, [%] met : float, int, or array-like metabolic rate, [met] clo : float, int, or array-like clothing insulation, [clo] Note: The activity as well as the air speed modify the insulation characteristics of the clothing and the adjacent air layer. Consequently, the ISO 7730 states that the clothing insulation shall be corrected [2]_. The ASHRAE 55 Standard corrects for the effect of the body movement for met equal or higher than 1.2 met using the equation clo = Icl × (0.6 + 0.4/met) The dynamic clothing insulation, clo, can be calculated using the function :py:meth:`pythermalcomfort.utilities.clo_dynamic`. wme : float, int, or array-like external work, [met] default 0 standard : str, optional select comfort standard used for calculation. Supported values are 'ASHRAE' and 'ISO'. Defaults to 'ISO'. - If "ISO", then the ISO Equation is used - If "ASHRAE", then the ASHRAE Equation is used Note: While the PMV equation is the same for both the ISO and ASHRAE standards, the ASHRAE Standard Use of the PMV model is limited to air speeds below 0.10 m/s (20 fpm). When air speeds exceed 0.10 m/s (20 fpm), the comfort zone boundaries are adjusted based on the SET model. This change was indroduced by the `Addendum C to Standard 55-2020`_ units : str, optional select the SI (International System of Units) or the IP (Imperial Units) system. Supported values are 'SI' and 'IP'. Defaults to 'SI'. limit_inputs : boolean default True By default, if the inputs are outsude the standard applicability limits the function returns nan. If False returns pmv and ppd values even if input values are outside the applicability limits of the model. The ASHRAE 55 2020 limits are 10 < tdb [°C] < 40, 10 < tr [°C] < 40, 0 < vr [m/s] < 2, 1 < met [met] < 4, and 0 < clo [clo] < 1.5. The ISO 7730 2005 limits are 10 < tdb [°C] < 30, 10 < tr [°C] < 40, 0 < vr [m/s] < 1, 0.8 < met [met] < 4, 0 < clo [clo] < 2, and -2 < PMV < 2. airspeed_control : boolean default True This only applies if standard = "ASHRAE". By default it is assumed that the occupant has control over the airspeed. In this case the ASHRAE 55 Standard does not impose any airspeed limits. On the other hand, if the occupant has no control over the airspeed the ASHRAE 55 imposes an upper limit for v which varies as a function of the operative temperature, for more information please consult the Standard. Returns ------- pmv : float, int, or array-like Predicted Mean Vote ppd : float, int, or array-like Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied occupants, [%] Notes ----- You can use this function to calculate the `PMV`_ and `PPD`_ in accordance with either the ASHRAE 55 2020 Standard [1]_ or the ISO 7730 Standard [2]_. .. _PMV: .. _PPD: .. _Addendum C to Standard 55-2020: Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pythermalcomfort.models import pmv_ppd >>> from pythermalcomfort.utilities import v_relative, clo_dynamic >>> tdb = 25 >>> tr = 25 >>> rh = 50 >>> v = 0.1 >>> met = 1.4 >>> clo = 0.5 >>> # calculate relative air speed >>> v_r = v_relative(v=v, met=met) >>> # calculate dynamic clothing >>> clo_d = clo_dynamic(clo=clo, met=met) >>> results = pmv_ppd(tdb=tdb, tr=tr, vr=v_r, rh=rh, met=met, clo=clo_d) >>> print(results) {'pmv': 0.06, 'ppd': 5.1} >>> print(results["pmv"]) -0.06 >>> # you can also pass an array-like of inputs >>> results = pmv_ppd(tdb=[22, 25], tr=tr, vr=v_r, rh=rh, met=met, clo=clo_d) >>> print(results) {'pmv': array([-0.47, 0.06]), 'ppd': array([9.6, 5.1])} Raises ------ StopIteration Raised if the number of iterations exceeds the threshold ValueError The 'standard' function input parameter can only be 'ISO' or 'ASHRAE' """ tdb = np.asarray(tdb) tr = np.asarray(tr) vr = np.asarray(vr) met = np.asarray(met) clo = np.asarray(clo) wme = np.asarray(wme) if units.lower() == "ip": tdb, tr, vr = units_converter(tdb=tdb, tr=tr, v=vr) standard = standard.lower() if standard not in ["iso", "ashrae"]: raise ValueError( "PMV calculations can only be performed in compliance with ISO or ASHRAE " "Standards" ) ( tdb_valid, tr_valid, v_valid, met_valid, clo_valid, ) = check_standard_compliance_array( standard, tdb=tdb, tr=tr, v=vr, met=met, clo=clo, airspeed_control=airspeed_control, ) # if v_r is higher than 0.1 follow methodology ASHRAE Appendix H, H3 ce = 0.0 if standard == "ashrae": ce = np.where( vr > 0.1, np.vectorize(cooling_effect, cache=True)(tdb, tr, vr, rh, met, clo, wme), 0.0, ) tdb = tdb - ce tr = tr - ce vr = np.where(ce > 0, 0.1, vr) pmv_array = _pmv_ppd_optimized(tdb, tr, vr, rh, met, clo, wme) ppd_array = 100.0 - 95.0 * np.exp( -0.03353 * pmv_array**4.0 - 0.2179 * pmv_array**2.0 ) # Checks that inputs are within the bounds accepted by the model if not return nan if limit_inputs: pmv_valid = valid_range(pmv_array, (-2, 2)) # this is the ISO limit if standard == "ashrae": pmv_valid = valid_range(pmv_array, (-100, 100)) all_valid = ~( np.isnan(tdb_valid) | np.isnan(tr_valid) | np.isnan(v_valid) | np.isnan(met_valid) | np.isnan(clo_valid) | np.isnan(pmv_valid) ) pmv_array = np.where(all_valid, pmv_array, np.nan) ppd_array = np.where(all_valid, ppd_array, np.nan) return { "pmv": np.around(pmv_array, 2), "ppd": np.around(ppd_array, 1), }
@vectorize( [ float64( float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, ) ], ) def _pmv_ppd_optimized(tdb, tr, vr, rh, met, clo, wme): pa = rh * 10 * np.exp(16.6536 - 4030.183 / (tdb + 235)) icl = 0.155 * clo # thermal insulation of the clothing in M2K/W m = met * 58.15 # metabolic rate in W/M2 w = wme * 58.15 # external work in W/M2 mw = m - w # internal heat production in the human body # calculation of the clothing area factor if icl <= 0.078: f_cl = 1 + (1.29 * icl) # ratio of surface clothed body over nude body else: f_cl = 1.05 + (0.645 * icl) # heat transfer coefficient by forced convection hcf = 12.1 * np.sqrt(vr) hc = hcf # initialize variable taa = tdb + 273 tra = tr + 273 t_cla = taa + (35.5 - tdb) / (3.5 * icl + 0.1) p1 = icl * f_cl p2 = p1 * 3.96 p3 = p1 * 100 p4 = p1 * taa p5 = (308.7 - 0.028 * mw) + (p2 * (tra / 100.0) ** 4) xn = t_cla / 100 xf = t_cla / 50 eps = 0.00015 n = 0 while np.abs(xn - xf) > eps: xf = (xf + xn) / 2 hcn = 2.38 * np.abs(100.0 * xf - taa) ** 0.25 if hcf > hcn: hc = hcf else: hc = hcn xn = (p5 + p4 * hc - p2 * xf**4) / (100 + p3 * hc) n += 1 if n > 150: raise StopIteration("Max iterations exceeded") tcl = 100 * xn - 273 # heat loss diff. through skin hl1 = 3.05 * 0.001 * (5733 - (6.99 * mw) - pa) # heat loss by sweating if mw > 58.15: hl2 = 0.42 * (mw - 58.15) else: hl2 = 0 # latent respiration heat loss hl3 = 1.7 * 0.00001 * m * (5867 - pa) # dry respiration heat loss hl4 = 0.0014 * m * (34 - tdb) # heat loss by radiation hl5 = 3.96 * f_cl * (xn**4 - (tra / 100.0) ** 4) # heat loss by convection hl6 = f_cl * hc * (tcl - tdb) ts = 0.303 * np.exp(-0.036 * m) + 0.028 _pmv = ts * (mw - hl1 - hl2 - hl3 - hl4 - hl5 - hl6) return _pmv