Source code for pythermalcomfort.models.pet_steady

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

from pythermalcomfort.psychrometrics import p_sat
from pythermalcomfort.utilities import (

[docs]def pet_steady( tdb, tr, v, rh, met, clo, p_atm=1013.25, position=1, age=23, sex=1, weight=75, height=1.8, wme=0, ): """ The steady physiological equivalent temperature (PET) is calculated using the Munich Energy-balance Model for Individuals (MEMI), which simulates the human body's thermal circumstances in a medically realistic manner. PET is defined as the air temperature at which, in a typical indoor setting the heat budget of the human body is balanced with the same core and skin temperature as under the complex outdoor conditions to be assessed [20]_. The following assumptions are made for the indoor reference climate: tdb = tr, v = 0.1 m/s, water vapour pressure = 12 hPa, clo = 0.9 clo, and met = 1.37 met + basic metabolism. PET allows a layperson to compare the total effects of complex thermal circumstances outside with his or her own personal experience indoors in this way. This function solves the heat balances without accounting for heat storage in the human body. The PET was originally proposed by Hoppe [20]_. In 2018, Walther and Goestchel [21]_ proposed a correction of the original model, purging the errors in the PET calculation routine, and implementing a state-of-the-art vapour diffusion model. Walther and Goestchel (2018) model is therefore used to calculate the PET. Parameters ---------- tdb : float dry bulb air temperature, [°C] tr : float mean radiant temperature, [°C] v : float air speed, [m/s] rh : float relative humidity, [%] met : float metabolic rate, [met] clo : float clothing insulation, [clo] p_atm : float atmospheric pressure, default value 1013.25 [hPa] position : int position of the individual (1=sitting, 2=standing, 3=standing, forced convection) age : int, default 23 age in years sex : int, default 1 male (1) or female (2). weight : float, default 75 body mass, [kg] height: float, default 1.8 height, [m] wme : float, default 0 external work, [W/(m2)] default 0 Returns ------- PET Steady-state PET under the given ambient conditions Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pythermalcomfort.models import pet_steady >>> pet_steady(tdb=20, tr=20, rh=50, v=0.15, met=1.37, clo=0.5) 18.85 """ met_factor = 58.2 # met conversion factor met = met * met_factor # metabolic rate def vasomotricity(t_cr, t_sk): """Defines the vasomotricity (blood flow) in function of the core and skin temperatures. Parameters ---------- t_cr : float The body core temperature, [°C] t_sk : float The body skin temperature, [°C] Returns ------- dict "m_blood": Blood flow rate, [kg/m2/h] and "alpha": repartition of body mass between core and skin []. """ # skin and core temperatures set values tc_set = 36.6 # 36.8 tsk_set = 34 # 33.7 # Set value signals sig_skin = tsk_set - t_sk sig_core = t_cr - tc_set if sig_core < 0: # In this case, T_core<Tc_set --> the blood flow is reduced sig_core = 0.0 if sig_skin < 0: # In this case, Tsk>Tsk_set --> the blood flow is increased sig_skin = 0.0 # 6.3 L/m^2/h is the set value of the blood flow m_blood = (6.3 + 75.0 * sig_core) / (1.0 + 0.5 * sig_skin) # 90 L/m^2/h is the blood flow upper limit if m_blood > 90: m_blood = 90.0 # in other models, alpha is used to update tbody alpha = 0.0417737 + 0.7451833 / (m_blood + 0.585417) return {"m_blood": m_blood, "alpha": alpha} def sweat_rate(t_body): """Defines the sweating mechanism depending on the body and core temperatures. Parameters ---------- t_body : float weighted average between skin and core temperatures, [°C] Returns ------- m_rsw : float The sweating flow rate, [g/m2/h]. """ tc_set = 36.6 # 36.8 tsk_set = 34 # 33.7 tbody_set = 0.1 * tsk_set + 0.9 * tc_set # Calculation of the body # temperature # through a weighted average sig_body = t_body - tbody_set if sig_body < 0: # In this case, Tbody<Tbody_set --> The sweat flow is 0 sig_body = 0.0 # from Gagge's model m_rsw = 304.94 * sig_body # 500 g/m^2/h is the upper sweat rate limit if m_rsw > 500: m_rsw = 500 return m_rsw def solve_pet( t_arr, _tdb, _tr, _v=0.1, _rh=50, _met=80, _clo=0.9, actual_environment=False, ): """ This function allows solving for the PET : either it solves the vectorial balance of the 3 unknown temperatures (T_core, T_sk, T_clo) or it solves for the environment operative temperature that would yield the same energy balance as the actual environment. Parameters ---------- t_arr : list or array-like [T_core, T_sk, T_clo], [°C] _tdb : float dry bulb air temperature, [°C] _tr : float mean radiant temperature, [°C] _v : float, default 0.1 m/s for the reference environment air speed, [m/s] _rh : float, default 50 % for the reference environment relative humidity, [%] _met : float, default 80 W for the reference environment metabolic rate, [W/m2] _clo : float, default 0.9 clo for the reference environment clothing insulation, [clo] actual_environment : boolean True=solve 3eqs/3unknowns, False=solve for PET Returns ------- float or list PET or energy balance. """ e_skin = 0.99 # Skin emissivity e_clo = 0.95 # Clothing emissivity h_vap = 2.42 * 10**6 # Latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg] sbc = 5.67 * 10**-8 # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/(m2*K^(-4))] cb = 3640 # Blood specific heat [J/kg/k] t_cr, t_sk, t_clo = t_arr e_bal_vec = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ] # required for the vectorial expression of the balance # Area parameters of the body: a_dubois = body_surface_area(weight, height) # Base metabolism for men and women in [W] met_female = ( 3.19 * weight**0.75 * ( 1.0 + 0.004 * (30.0 - age) + 0.018 * (height * 100.0 / weight ** (1.0 / 3.0) - 42.1) ) ) met_male = ( 3.45 * weight**0.75 * ( 1.0 + 0.004 * (30.0 - age) + 0.01 * (height * 100.0 / weight ** (1.0 / 3.0) - 43.4) ) ) # Attribution of internal energy depending on the sex of the subject met_correction = met_male if sex == 1 else met_female # Source term : metabolic activity he = (_met + met_correction) / a_dubois # impact of efficiency h = he * (1.0 - wme) # [W/m2] # correction for wind i_m = 0.38 # Woodcock ratio for vapour transfer through clothing [-] # Calculation of the Burton surface increase coefficient, k = 0.31 for Hoeppe: fcl = ( 1 + 0.31 * _clo ) # Increase heat exchange surface depending on clothing level f_a_cl = ( 173.51 * _clo - 2.36 - 100.76 * _clo * _clo + 19.28 * _clo**3.0 ) / 100 a_clo = a_dubois * f_a_cl + a_dubois * (fcl - 1.0) # clothed body surface area f_eff = 0.696 if position == 2 else 0.725 # effective radiation factor a_r_eff = ( a_dubois * f_eff ) # Effective radiative area depending on the position of the subject # Partial pressure of water in the air vpa = _rh / 100.0 * p_sat(_tdb) / 100 # [hPa] if not actual_environment: # mode=False means we are calculating the PET vpa = 12 # [hPa] vapour pressure of the standard environment # Convection coefficient depending on wind velocity and subject position hc = 2.67 + 6.5 * _v**0.67 # sitting if position == 2: # standing hc = 2.26 + 7.42 * _v**0.67 if position == 3: # standing, forced convection hc = 8.6 * _v**0.513 # h_cc corrected convective heat transfer coefficient h_cc = 3.0 * pow(p_atm / 1013.25, 0.53) hc = max(h_cc, hc) # modification of hc with the total pressure hc = hc * (p_atm / 1013.25) ** 0.55 # Respiratory energy losses t_exp = 0.47 * _tdb + 21.0 # Expired air temperature calculation [degC] d_vent_pulm = he * 1.44 * 10.0 ** (-6.0) # breathing flow rate c_res = 1010 * (_tdb - t_exp) * d_vent_pulm # Sensible heat energy loss [W/m2] vpexp = p_sat(t_exp) / 100 # Latent heat energy loss [hPa] q_res = 0.623 * h_vap / p_atm * (vpa - vpexp) * d_vent_pulm # [W/m2] ere = c_res + q_res # [W/m2] # Calculation of the equivalent thermal resistance of body tissues alpha = vasomotricity(t_cr, t_sk)["alpha"] tbody = alpha * t_sk + (1 - alpha) * t_cr # Clothed fraction of the body approximation r_cl = _clo / 6.45 # Conversion in [m2.K/W] y = 0 if f_a_cl > 1.0: f_a_cl = 1.0 if _clo >= 2.0: y = 1.0 if 0.6 < _clo < 2.0: y = (height - 0.2) / height if 0.6 >= _clo > 0.3: y = 0.5 if 0.3 >= _clo > 0.0: y = 0.1 # calculation of the clothing radius depending on the clothing level (6.28 = 2* # pi !) r2 = a_dubois * (fcl - 1.0 + f_a_cl) / (6.28 * height * y) # External radius r1 = f_a_cl * a_dubois / (6.28 * height * y) # Internal radius di = r2 - r1 # Calculation of the equivalent thermal resistance of body tissues htcl = 6.28 * height * y * di / (r_cl * np.log(r2 / r1) * a_clo) # [W/(m2.K)] # Calculation of sweat losses qmsw = sweat_rate(tbody) # h_vap/1000 = 2400 000[J/kg] divided by 1000 = [J/g] // qwsw/3600 for [g/m2/h] # to [ # g/m2/s] esw = h_vap / 1000 * qmsw / 3600 # [W/m2] # Saturation vapor pressure at temperature Tsk p_v_sk = p_sat(t_sk) / 100 # hPa # Calculation of vapour transfer lr = 16.7 * 10 ** (-1) # [K/hPa] Lewis ratio he_diff = hc * lr # diffusion coefficient of air layer fecl = 1 / (1 + 0.92 * hc * r_cl) # Burton efficiency factor e_max = he_diff * fecl * (p_v_sk - vpa) # maximum diffusion at skin surface if e_max == 0: # added this otherwise e_req / e_max cannot be calculated e_max = 0.001 w = esw / e_max # skin wettedness if w > 1: w = 1 delta = esw - e_max if delta < 0: esw = e_max if esw < 0: esw = 0 # i_m= Woodcock's ratio (see above) r_ecl = (1 / (fcl * hc) + r_cl) / ( lr * i_m ) # clothing vapour transfer resistance after Woodcock's method ediff = (1 - w) * (p_v_sk - vpa) / r_ecl # diffusion heat transfer evap = -(ediff + esw) # [W/m2] # Radiation losses bare skin r_bare = ( a_r_eff * (1.0 - f_a_cl) * e_skin * sbc * ((_tr + 273.15) ** 4.0 - (t_sk + 273.15) ** 4.0) / a_dubois ) # ... for clothed area r_clo = ( f_eff * a_clo * e_clo * sbc * ((_tr + 273.15) ** 4.0 - (t_clo + 273.15) ** 4.0) / a_dubois ) r_sum = r_clo + r_bare # radiation total # Convection losses for bare skin c_bare = hc * (_tdb - t_sk) * a_dubois * (1.0 - f_a_cl) / a_dubois # [W/m^2] # ... for clothed area c_clo = hc * (_tdb - t_clo) * a_clo / a_dubois # [W/m^2] csum = c_clo + c_bare # convection total # Balance equations of the 3-nodes model e_bal_vec[0] = ( h + ere - (vasomotricity(t_cr, t_sk)["m_blood"] / 3600 * cb + 5.28) * (t_cr - t_sk) ) # Core balance [W/m^2] e_bal_vec[1] = ( r_bare + c_bare + evap + (vasomotricity(t_cr, t_sk)["m_blood"] / 3600 * cb + 5.28) * (t_cr - t_sk) - htcl * (t_sk - t_clo) ) # Skin balance [W/m^2] e_bal_vec[2] = c_clo + r_clo + htcl * (t_sk - t_clo) # Clothes balance [W/m^2] e_bal_scal = h + ere + r_sum + csum + evap # returning either the calculated core, skin, clo temperatures or the PET if actual_environment: # if we solve for the system we need to return 3 temperatures return list(e_bal_vec) else: # solving for the PET requires the scalar balance only return e_bal_scal def pet_fc(_t_stable): """Function to find the solution. Parameters ---------- _t_stable : list or array-like 3 temperatures obtained from the actual environment (T_core,T_skin,T_clo). Returns ------- float The PET comfort index. """ # Definition of a function with the input variables of the PET reference situation def f(tx): return solve_pet( _t_stable, _tdb=tx, _tr=tx, actual_environment=False, ) # solving for PET pet_guess = _t_stable[2] # start with the clothing temperature return round(optimize.fsolve(f, pet_guess)[0], 2) # initial guess t_guess = np.array([36.7, 34, 0.5 * (tdb + tr)]) # solve for Tc, Tsk, Tcl temperatures t_stable = optimize.fsolve( solve_pet, t_guess, args=( tdb, tr, v, rh, met, clo, True, ), ) # compute PET return pet_fc(t_stable)