Source code for pythermalcomfort.models.clo_tout

from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np

from pythermalcomfort.utilities import (

[docs]def clo_tout( tout: Union[float, int, np.ndarray, List[float], List[int]], units: str = "SI" ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Representative clothing insulation Icl as a function of outdoor air temperature at 06:00 a.m [4]_. Parameters ---------- tout : float, int, or array-like outdoor air temperature at 06:00 a.m., default in [°C] in [°F] if `units` = 'IP' units : str, optional select the SI (International System of Units) or the IP (Imperial Units) system. Supported values are 'SI' and 'IP'. Defaults to 'SI'. Returns ------- clo : float, int, or array-like Representative clothing insulation Icl, [clo] Raises ------- TypeError If `tout` is not a float, int, NumPy array, or a list of floats or integers. ValueError If an invalid unit is provided or non-numeric elements are found in `tout`. Notes ----- The ASHRAE 55 2020 states that it is acceptable to determine the clothing insulation Icl using this equation in mechanically conditioned buildings [1]_. Limitations: - This equation may not be accurate for extreme temperature ranges. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pythermalcomfort.models import clo_tout >>> clo_tout(tout=27) # Can be int or float 0.46 >>> clo_tout(tout=[27, 25]) # List of ints or floats array([0.46, 0.47]) """ # Use explicit type hints for sequence valid_types = ( float, int, np.ndarray, list, ) # Use 'list' instead of 'List[float]' or 'List[int]' if not isinstance(tout, valid_types): raise TypeError("tout must be a float, int, NumPy array, or a list.") # Check for valid list elements separately if isinstance(tout, list): if not all(isinstance(item, (float, int)) for item in tout): raise TypeError("Elements of tout list must be floats or integers.") # Convert tout to NumPy array for vectorized operations tout = np.array(tout) # Validate units string valid_units: List[str] = ["SI", "IP"] if units.upper() not in valid_units: raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit: {units}. Supported units are {valid_units}.") # Convert units if necessary if units.lower() == "ip": tout = units_converter(tmp=tout)[0] clo = np.where(tout < 26, np.power(10, -0.1635 - 0.0066 * tout), 0.46) clo = np.where(tout < 5, 0.818 - 0.0364 * tout, clo) clo = np.where(tout < -5, 1, clo) return np.around(clo, 2)